We are about helping one another and giving you helpful resources where you can decide what is best for you.
We are not professionals in the medical, psychological, or financial fields and will not be making recommendations for treatment but can share experiences.
Above all your privacy will be respected. All information will be confidential and the meeting will not be recorded.
All members are welcomed to attend and or remain silent if that is their preference.
We would like to hear from our retirees about points of interest to help us further help you. Please feel free to call or text any one of us, or respond by email, with your thoughts and ideas to make this effort successful.
The Support Group will meet Zoom only and not recorded.
Useful links and numbers suggested by Support Group members:
Alcoholics Anonymous intergroup.org 212-647-1680
Narcotics Anonymous na.org 212-929-6262
Gamblers Anonymous gamblersanonymous.org
Stop Smoking 866-697-8487
Nicotine Anonymous nicotine-anonymous.org