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1101 Verizon Retiree Medical Benefits Summary Feb 1, 2025

Local 1101 RMC 
2025 Verizon Retiree Health Care Benefits Information
February 1, 2025

All active and retired 1101 Verizon members are covered by medical benefits bargained by the union. DO NOT sign up for other medical benefit insurance. If you switch to a different plan, Verizon will drop you and make it difficult or impossible to regain your bargained benefits.

Retiree health benefits are different for Pre-Medicare and Medicare Eligible retirees. This applies to retirees and their spouses and dependents. Each individual stays on the pre-Medicare plan until they become Medicare Eligible (turn 65). Spouses can be on different plans, if one is under 65 and one is 65 or older.

Pre-Medicare retiree medical benefits remain the same for active and retired members, with some differences for out-of-pocket expenses based on NCSD (Net credited service date). The current provider is Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. 855 869 8139. Have your card or member number handy.

Medicare Eligible retiree medical benefits come from our United Health Care Verizon Medicare Advantage Plan 877 211 6548. Have your card or member number handy. Make sure you are speaking to someone about the Verizon plan.

If you are about to turn 65 and have not been contacted by United Health Care and have not received your card with your ID number call Verizon Benefits 855 489 2367. And contact Social Security and Medicare if you have not received your Medicare card. 

When you sign up for Medicare sign up for Medicare Part A (Hospital) and Medicare Part B (Medical). DO NOT sign up for Medicare Part D, we already have a plan from Verizon (see below).

United Health Care is a huge company offering lots of different plans, including lots of different Medicare Advantage Plans, many through AARP. Thanks to our union we have an excellent plan compared to everything else we see out there. We have a PPO plan which means it covers out of network without extra charges to us.

DO NOT confuse our plan with other United Health Care Medicare Advantage plans. 1101 retirees age 65 and over often receive junk mail from United Health Care and other Medicare Advantage providers. Legally you can change Medicare Advantage plan coverage, but you will lose your Verizon coverage if you do. 

We also receive important mail from United Health Care about our plan and our payments. Do not throw away UHC mail without opening it.

All Medicare Advantage plans bundle the Medicare Payment with supplemental payments and then deal directly with the hospital, clinic, and doctor. DO NOT use your Medicare card for these situations. Use your United Health Care Verizon Medicare Advantage card.

There may be some situations where the Medicare Advantage does not seem to apply, such as end-of-life hospice care. And there are some Doctors who refuse Medicare and Medicare Advantage. But NEVER allow a health care provider to use the Medicare Card if they can use the UHC card. Verizon can see that and drop you and not let you get back. If a medical provider accepts Medicare it must accept our Medicare Advantage Plan.

As of January 1, 2025 Verizon switched the drug plan for all active and retired Verizon 1101 members to CVS Caremark. This does NOT mean you have to have your prescriptions filled at a CVS store. Active and retired Verizon 1101 members who are Non Medicare eligible are covered by CVS Caremark. Medicare Eligible retirees are covered by SilverScript Verizon, a division of CVS Caremark. 833 870 0273. 

If you are a 1101 Verizon retiree who is Medicare Eligible (you turned 65) your drug plan is identified on the card as Silver Script Verizon, Prescription Drug Plan Administered by CVS Caremark Part D Services LLC, Medicare. If you have not received this card call Caremark and Verizon Benefits.

Sometimes a big hospital chain or other health care provider will get into a showdown with a big insurance provider and temporarily block payments but so far we have always seen these fights get resolved. If your coverage is turned down, call the number on your card, give them your member ID, and make sure everyone knows you have the Verizon plan

Dental: Coverage remains unchanged for active and retired members and stays with Met Life

Vision: No official retiree coverage for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Medical visits to Drs. for eyes (such as glaucoma) are covered by our medical benefits. Some retirees have had success signing up with Davis Vision (877 999 7006) and then taking the Davis voucher to their chosen vendors for eyeglasses. Some retirees have found a better deal at Costco or Walmart.

Hearing Aids: Like vision, if you go to a Dr. for tests or treatment involving your ears it is covered by our medical benefits. For hearing aids our UHC insurance covers a $1000 payment every two years with restrictions 877-211-6548. Some retirees have found a better deal for hearing aids at Costco or at on-line outfits like Jabra. 

To stay up-to-date on our health care coverage and get tips from other retirees: 

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