World Trade Center 9/11 Responders

World Trade Center Health Program and Victim Compensation Fund
Did you work at or near Ground Zero following 9/11? It's not too late to register for the World Trade Center Health Program and the Victim Compensation Fund.
If you lived or worked near Ground Zero following 9/11, and never registered with the World Trade Center Health Program and/or the Victim Compensation Fund, it's not too late. You may have seen mention of a July 29, 2021 deadline, which applied to people with a 9/11 related illness certified by the WTCHP prior to July 29, 2019 who needed to file a VIctim Compensation Fund claim by 7/29/21. But if you never registered with the WTCHP, or are registered with the WTCHP and have not registered with the VCF, you can still do both. Click here for more information.
Do I have a form on file at Local 1101 showing that I worked at/near Ground Zero in 2001/2002?
Local 1101 had many members who were working at Ground Zero or other areas in lower Manhattan, fill out a “CWA World Trade Center Recovery/Cleanup Effort Exposure Information” form between Sept 11, 2001 and Feb 2002. The CWA Exposure Information form is one way for you to document proof of your presence at the site, which you will need to apply to the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) and/or for making a claim with the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). We know not all Local 1101 members filled out this form after 9/11, but we have nearly 900 forms on file. This Google form is a quick way for you to check to see if we have your CWA Exposure Information form on file.
If you worked at or near Ground Zero (below Canal St) between September 11, 2001 and July 31, 2002, please fill out the Google form here. You’ll receive an email response indicating whether we have a 2001-2002 CWA Exposure Information form on file for you. We’ll also update your information in our Local 1101 Sept 11 Responders' database, for the purpose of 9/11 related information only.
If you prefer, you can also call the Local at 212-633-2666 and we can tell you if we have an Exposure Information form on file.
You can check to see if you have a form on file here: If you don't have a form on file at the Local, you can still register for the the WTC Health Program. Call 212-633-2666 for assistance.
CWA Website
Click here for the CWA website 'Remembering Sept 11, 2001', including important resources for those affected by 9/11