New Members Welcome Packet

Welcome to CWA Local 1101! We are so happy to have you. If you're not already signed up for email and text alerts from Local 1101, please sign up on the front page of our website here.
Letter from Local 1101 President Keith Purce
On behalf of the members of CWA Local 1101, we are pleased to welcome you to our union. By joining Local 1101 you have decided to make a better life for yourself, both on and off the job, as well as a better life for your family. The union exists to help us do just that. It is a tool that helps workers get treated fairly.
We’re all very proud of our record at Local 1101. We’re a union that has always encouraged members to get involved: attend meetings, join committees, vote on contracts, participate in workplace actions, and speak out on workplace issues.
A union is its members. The more members participate, the stronger we will be and the more we will be able to accomplish in bargaining, and implement improvements in our workplace.
Again, welcome! We are proud to have you with us. And we hope you will help us build a strong union that contributes to making things better for our members and for working people overall.
In Solidarity,
Keith Purce, President CWA Local 1101
Communications Workers of America & CWA Local 1101
Local 1101 is part of CWA District 1 and the Communications Workers of America.
You can find a copy of our CWA Constitution and Local 1101 Bylaws here.
You can meet the members of the Local 1101 Executive Board here.
CWA Local 1101's Member Assistance Program provides help for members, spouses and children with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment (Inpatient and Outpatient), and problems relating to alcohol, drugs, stress, depression and relationships. All information and conversations are kept strictly confidential. Contact information for Member Assistance Program representatives is here.
CWA Local 1101's newsletter is the New York Generator. You can find the most recent edition here.
CWA and CWA Local 1101 offer scholarships for members and their families. You can see the available scholarships, applications and deadlines on the Local 1101 Benefits page here.
You can also find information on Union Plus Credit Cards and CWA member discounts on the CWA Benefits page.
CWA members wear red on Thursdays. Why? Find out here.
Click here for a "Wear Red on Thursday" flyer.
One of the most important benefits of being a union member are Weingarten Rights, the right to union representation in any meeting with a supervisor that might lead to disciplinary action.
Click here for a Weingarten Rights flyer.