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A Message to PPAs from CWA Local 1101

As many of you are aware, some members of the Motion Picture Industry have formed the Working in Silence No More Task Force. One of the goals of the task force is to highlight the inequality and injustices the PPAs face on the job. The Union has been in touch and engaged with the task force and agree with their message. We also welcome any support within the industry to improve the working conditions of the PPAs.  

With that being said, we would also like to highlight the progress the PPAs have fought so hard for, and achieved, through organizing and joining CWA.  After a historic unanimous vote to join CWA Local 1101, PPAs joined the bargaining team and had a voice in their first contract. Many of the issues the Task Force participants are agreeing to help with are issues that you have fought for and won at the bargaining table. Bathrooms, meals and safety are basic rights that should be honored at every job site.

While we will continue to work with members of the Task Force, we want you to know that if you have any issues while working it is imperative that you contact your Shop Steward and/or the Local immediately so we can enforce the Contract. The PPAs have stood strong, fought hard, organized and made their voices heard in an Industry that often tried to over look them.

Local 1101 looks forward to continuing the fight when work resumes and making even further gains as we fight together to build your contract and secure a better future.