Expanding Broadband in New York - Big Win!

As part of the American Rescue Plan, Onondaga County, NY received $11.1 million in funding to expand broadband in underserved rural areas. In November, Verizon won the bid for this work - thanks to CWA! BIG WIN!
This is just the beginning. With millions of dollars in broadband funding in the pipeline, we need to fight to ensure that this money goes to work for our members! In 2022, our Legislative & Political Action Team members helped win prevailing wage and strong labor standards for broadband work in the New York State Budget, to make sure that as broadband is expanded in NYS, the work is done by skilled union labor.
In 2022, our Legislative & Political Action Team members helped win prevailing wage and strong labor standards for broadband work in the New York State Budget, to make sure that as broadband is expanded in NYS, the work is done by skilled union labor
With CWA’s support, Verizon was selected for this bid and committed an additional $7 million dollars in order to bring all-fiber, high-speed broadband services to over 1,500 locations in the County. That's more work for our members!
Trump administration declares TSA screener union contract void