Film Screening "At the River I Stand"

In honor of Black History Month, CWA Human Rights Committee invites you to a special screening of At the River I Stand on Wed, February26th, at 7:00 PM. Click here to register.
Memphis, Spring 1968 marked the dramatic climax of the Civil Rights movement. At the River I Stand skillfully reconstructs the two eventful months that transformed a strike by Memphis sanitation workers into a national conflagration, and disentangles the complex historical forces that came together with the inevitability of tragedy at the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This 58-minute documentary brings into sharp relief issues that have only become more urgent in the intervening years: the connection between economic and civil rights, debates over strategies for change, the demand for full inclusion of African Americans in American life and the fight for dignity for public employees and all working people. ( Click here for the Movie trailer
Stay tuned for future screenings every fourth Wednesday of the month honoring the unsung heroes of labor and social justice movements. We can’t wait to see you there!
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