RIP Noel MacMahon

We are sad to report that Noel MacMahon, former Chief Steward of Local 1101, died in May of this year. Noel started work at NY Tel in January of 1969. When Noel retired in 2010 he was Chief Steward for the CXM and cable maintenance garage at 34 Street and the Manhattan Safety Director for the Local. This picture is of Noel at Ground Zero in 2001, where he worked on safety issues following 911.
Noel's dedication to the union spanned more than 40 years and many battles. He was a gentle person until he got angry, at which point he was a bulldog in defense of members' rights. His son Noel Jr remembers coming the Local 1101 union hall when it was on Broadway. "We'd go there to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. He took us to the Labor Day parade and the March of Dimes parade with a crew from the union. They'd volunteer at the Special Olympics every year, and go to the union picnic days at Shea Stadium. The union really was family to him."
Noel will be remembered for his many years of service, his sense of humor, his strong Irish brogue, and his work in helping to build our union and keep it strong. He's survived by his wife Ann and his three kids Noel Jr, Colm, and Anya. RIP Noel.
Noel in 1984 at a Mondale rally, sporting a CWA Local 1101 hat.
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